Your body.

Your flow.

Your treatment.


This is me

500h certified Yoga Teacher (Spanda-Vinyasa), Physiotherapist, further educated in Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Manual Therapy and Orthopedic Medicine (IAOM-Europe), Reflexology and Taping. Spanda Institute Anatomy and Physiology Teacher and Sound healing practitioner. That’s me on paper. After spending seven years in this field, the most important learning I have made is, that it is not all about who you are on your CV. There is plenty out there with the same or higher qualifications, but what makes us stand out is the way we interact with our clients and how we use our knowledge. I am on my very own Yoga journey since my teen years, sometimes more active, sometimes less. Slowly building a practice that helped me improve my empathy, compassion and patience, as a human in day to day life and as a therapist. (…)

(…) Due to my more alternative side as a Yogini, for a long time it felt very opposing to me that I am so drawn to a structured and evidence based type of Physiotherapy. I love good structured examinations, finding proof in my assumption and working with the knowing about the effectiveness of my chosen therapy. Nether the less I also found out, that only working by using the tools of this drawer has its limitations and this is where the more holistic viewpoint can step in. Therapies are only as effective as accepted and understood they are by our clients. I create my treatment and classes by the following questions: Who are you? What do you need? How can I help you? By answering these questions, I will try to find the treatment that aligns perfectly with yourself, targets your goals and brings you back to a painless and balanced life.

This is how it goes

  • Talk & Assess

    Let’s talk and find out what we are aiming for with the practice ahead. What do you need? What is your intention and goal? What are your expectations?

  • Create

    After having an image of you, I will create a practice, and if requested, a therapy that is tailored to you and aims to fulfill your goal the best possible way.

  • Practice

    Let’s put it in action! Either in person or online. As often as you need and with enough time in between for your self-practice.

Follow my journey.